ConcertReport Tokusatsu December 16,2022 Japan


“Tokusatsu” One-Man Concert

Solo Drinking Exploration
So I went to “Beer Boy” in the basement of Parco
Standing Beer Boy (where you can sit and drink)

You can taste craft beers from all over Japan.
They make beer in Aomori Prefecture?
I didn’t know that!
And it’s near my parents’ house!

A half size is about this much!

Food is simple.

We drank and ate the right amount of food for 5,530 yen (6 half beers and a few snacks).

We arrived at the quattro, picked a place, and the show started…
What’s that? I can hardly see Eddie from here (because of those pillars).
Oh well.

Eddie started with a piano piece.
I didn’t have this song “Reminiscence”, which seems to be in “5 Years Later”.

The encore song “Megumare” was a coupling of a single?
It seems to be on the first pressing of “Electric Jellyfish”.

I thought I knew all the “tokusatsu” songs, but I didn’t know there were more!

He was considerably more spirited than Ohtsuki Kenji at the recent Kinniku-Syojo-Tai” concert.
He was energetic!

1 Reminiscence
2 Satsujin
3 Prison of Love
4 I wanna be your Muse
5 Zelda Fitzgerald
6 Electric Jellyfish
7 Human Evaporation
8 The Rise of Araida Mel
9 Azanael
10 Loose the Way
12 Barbarella
13 Om rise
14 Telepathy

E1 Megumare
E2 So long.

May 18,2023 VERTICAL

